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Lang Arts G2
Course data
August 12 - August 18
Summer Workbook - Extra Credit
August 19 - August 25
Module 1.1 Spelling Test
Module 1.1 Weekly Test
Module 1.1 Classwork
i-Ready Reading Homework Aug 19-25
"Clark the Shark" Selection Quiz
August 26 - September 1
Module 1.2 Classwork
i-Ready Reading Homework Aug 26-Sept 1
Module 1.2 Weekly Test
"The Great Puppy Invasion" Selection Quiz
Module 1.2 Spelling Test
September 2 - September 8
Module 1.3 Classwork
i-Ready Reading Homework Sept 2-Sept 8
Module 1 Cumulative Test
"Picture Day Perfection" Selection Quiz
Module 1.3 Spelling Test
September 9 - September 15
Weekly IXL Classwork: PN8
i-Ready Reading Homework Sept 9 -Sept 15
IXL Homework Lessons: 37W & XDP
"Many Kinds of Matter" Selection Quiz
Module 2.1 Weekly Test
Module 2.1 Spelling Test
Module 2.1 Classwork
September 16 - September 22
Module 2.2 Classwork
9/16-9/22 IXL Classwork: 6GX
i-Ready Reading Homework Sept 16-Sept 22
IXL Homework Lessons: KQY and 57H
Module 2.2 Weekly Test
Module 2.2 Spelling Test
"The Great Fuzz Frenzy" Selection Quiz
"Water Rolls, Water Rises" Selection Quiz
September 23 - September 29
Module 2.3 Classwork
Weekly IXL Classwork: MNW
i-Ready Reading Homework Sept 23-Sept 29
IXL Homework Lessons: T8M & M6D
"The Puddle Puzzle" Selection Quiz
September 30 - October 6
Module 3.1 Classwork
Module 2.3 & 3.1 Combined Test
Weekly IXL Classwork: Y9R
i-Ready Reading Homework Sept 30 - Oct 6
IXL Homework Lessons:JBV & 6B8
"The Big Red Lollipop" Selection Quiz
Module 3.1 Spelling Test
AR Goal Completion
October 7 - October 13
Weekly IXL Classwork
i-Ready Reading Homework Oct 7- Oct 13
Module 3.2 Weekly Test
Module 3.2 Spelling Test
October 14 - October 20
Weekly IXL Homework: WPY & ZPX
10/14-10/20 i-Ready Reading Homework
Progress Learning ELA.2.F.1.3aii
"Working With Others" Selection Quiz
"Gingerbread for Liberty!" Selection Quiz
Module 3.2 Classwork
October 21 - October 27
Weekly IXL Homework: HEE & VYH
10/21-10/27 i-Ready Reading Homework
Module 3 Test
Module 3.3 Spelling Test
"Pepita and the Bully" Selection Quiz
Module 3.3 Classwork
October 28 - November 3
Weekly IXL Homework: 6TR & PN8
10/28-11/3 i-Ready Reading Homework
Fall Writing Activities
Weekly Progress Learning: ELA.2.F.1.3 Syllables
November 4 - November 10
Weekly IXL Homework: U72 & 9CD
11/4-11/10 i-Ready Reading Homework
Module 4.1 Spelling Test
"How to Read a Story" Selection Quiz(4.1)
Module 4.1 Classwork 11/4-11/8
Module 4.1 Test
November 11 - November 17
Weekly IXL Homework: WVW & UWT
11/11-11/17 i-Ready Reading Homework
"A Crow, A Lion, and a Mouse" Selection Quiz (4.2)
"Hollywood Chicken" Selection Quiz (4.2)
Module 4.2 Spelling Test
Weekly Progress Learning ELA.2.F.1.3civ Digraphs
Module 4.2 Classwork
Module 4.2 Weekly Test
November 18 - November 24
Weekly Progress Learning (ELA.2.F.1.3c(v)) Three Consonant Blends
Weekly IXL Homework: KBQ & NQN
11/18-11/24 i-Ready Reading Homework
"If the Shoe Fits: Two Cinderella Stories" Selection Quiz (4.3)
Module 4.3 Spelling Test
Shark Tank Presentation
Module 4.3 Classwork
Module 4 Test
December 2 - December 8
Weekly IXL Homework: ZDC & C5B
12/2-12/8 i-Ready Reading Homework
"Going Places" Selection Quiz
Module 5.1 Spelling Test
Progress Learning Classwork: Blends Containing Digraphs
Module 5.1 Classwork
Module 5.1 Weekly Test
December 9 - December 15
Weekly IXL Homework: JAV & MKE
12/9-12/15 i-Ready Reading Homework
AR Goal
Module 5.2 Spelling Test
December 16 - December 22
"Wilma Rudolph" Selection Quiz
"Great Leaders" Selection Quiz
Module 5.2 Classwork
December 23 - December 29
International Day Extra Credit
January 6 - January 12
"Who are Government Leaders?" Selection Quiz
Module 5.3 Spelling Test
IXL Homework: RC7 & Q92
Module 5.3 Classwork
Module 5 Reading Test
1/6-1/10 i-Ready Reading Homework
January 13 - January 19
1/13-1/19 i-Ready Reading Homework
Module 6.1 Classwork
IXL Homework: 58P & 5ES
Module 6.1 Spelling Test
"Wild Weather" Selection Quiz
IXL Classwork: 5SF
Module 6.1 Test
January 20 - January 26
IXL Classwork: F6T
1/20-1/26 i-Ready Reading Homework
Module 6.2 Classwork
IXL Homework: W8U & 54B
"Cloudette" Selection Quiz
"Get Ready for Weather" Selection Quiz
Module 6.2 Spelling Test
Module 6.2 Weekly Test
January 27 - February 2
1/27-2/2 i-Ready Reading Homework
Module 6.3 Classwork
IXL Homework: PDE & XFB
"Whatever the Weather" Selection Quiz
Module 6.3 Spelling Test
IXL Classwork: ZSQ
February 3 - February 9
2/3-2/9 i-Ready Reading Homework
IXL Homework: HYR & TUJ
"I Am Helen Keller" Selection Quiz
Module 7.1 Spelling Test
Module 7.1 Classwork
Module 7.1 Weekly Test
IXL Classwork: VES
February 10 - February 16
2/10-2/16 i-Ready Reading Homework
Module 7.2 Classwork
IXL Homework: UC6 & PLR
"How to Make a Timeline" Selection Quiz
"The Stories He Tells" Selection Quiz
Module 7.2 Spelling Test
February 17 - February 23
2/17-2/23 i-Ready Reading Homework
Module 7.3 Classwork
IXL Homework: H6K & 8UL
"Drum Dream Girl" Selection Quiz
Module 7.3 Spelling Test
February 24 - March 2
2/24-3/2 i-Ready Reading Homework
Module 8.1 Classwork
IXL Homework: 6YH & KGG
Module 8.1 Spelling Test
"Experiment with What a Plant Needs to Grow" Selection Quiz
March 3 - March 8
3/3-3/8 i-Ready Reading Homework
Module 8.2 Classwork
IXL Homework: DJX & W69
"Jack and the Bean Stalk" Selection Quiz
Module 8.2 Spelling Test
"Jackie and the Bean Stalk" Selection Quiz
March 10 - March 16
3/10-3/16 i-Ready Reading Homework
Module 8.3 Classwork
IXL Homework: 5MZ & AGT
Module 8.3 Spelling Test
"Don't Touch Me!" Selection Quiz
March 17 - March 23
Module 9.1 Spelling Test
"The Long, Long Journey" Selection Quiz
March 24 - March 30
"Sea Otter Pups" Selection Quiz
"At Home in the Wild" Selection Quiz
Module 9.2 Spelling Test
March 31 - April 6
"Abuelo and the Three Bears" Selection Quiz
Module 9.3 Spelling Test
April 7 - April 13
Module 10.1 Spelling Test
"Where on Earth is My Bagel?" Selection Quiz
April 14 - April 20
"May Day Around the World" Selection Quiz
"Goal!" Selection Quiz
Module 10.2 Spelling Test
April 21 - April 27
"Poems in the Attic" Selection Quiz
Module 10.3 Spelling Test
April 28 - May 4
Module 11.1 Spelling Test
May 5 - May 11
Module 11.2 Spelling Test
May 12 - May 18
Module 11.3 Spelling Test
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Academics - Subject Areas
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English/Language Arts
Career and Technical Basic
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Course info
Lang Arts G2
Erin Bradica
Skill Level