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Lang Arts G1
Course data
August 12 - August 18
Ms. Dodd's Syllabus 24-25
August 19 - August 25
HW: Fluency Passage- Pat & Sam Week of 8/22
August 26 - September 1
Classwork: Spelling Test 1.1
Assessment: Weekly Reading Test- Module 1, Week 1
Classwork: M1W1 Know It Show It Packet
Classwork: Selection Quiz- Try This
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 8/26
HW: Fluency Passage- Mac Cat, Sam Cat week of 8/26
September 2 - September 8
HW: Fluency Passage- What Can Fit week of 9/2
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 9/2
Assessment: Weekly Reading Test- Module 1 Week 2
Classwork: Spelling Test 1.2
Classwork: Selection Quiz- A Kid's Guide to Friends
Classwork: Know It Show It Packet M1W2
September 9 - September 15
Assessment: High Frequency Words Module 1
HW: Fluency Passage- Gil and His Pig week of 9.9.24
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 9.9.24
HW: IXL- Rhyming Pictures X6Q & Which word does not Rhyme GNM
Classwork: Spelling Test 1.3
Assessment: Weekly Reading Test- Module 1 Week 3
Classwork: Selection Quiz- Big Dilly's Tale
September 16 - September 22
HW: Fluency Passage- The Big Box- week of 9.16.24
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 9.16.24
HW: IXL- Complete sentence with a noun to match the picture DWB & Which Could Happen in real life EZB
Classwork: Know It Show It Pages M1W3
Classwork: Selection Quiz- Dan Had a Plan
September 23 - September 29
HW: Fluency Passage- Cub and Pup week of 9.23
Assessment: Weekly Reading Test- Module 2, Week 1
Classwork: Spelling Test M2W1
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 9.23.24
HW: IXL- Short A sentence that matches the picture BEB & How many syllables does the word have 75Z
Classwork: Know It Show It Packet M2W1
September 30 - October 6
HW: AR Quarter 1 Goal
Assessment: Weekly Reading Test- Module 2 Week 2
Classwork: Spelling Test M2W2
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 9/30
Classwork: Selection Quiz- Places in My Neighborhood
Classwork: Know It, Show It Packet M2W2
October 7 - October 13
HW: Fluency Passage- Gus the Pup week of 10.7.24
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 10.7.24
HW: IXL- Complete the Rhyme JN5 & Blend each sound in a word together WP2
October 14 - October 20
Module 2, Week 3- Know It Show It Classwork Packet
Assessment: Module 2- High Frequency Word Test
Assessment: Module 2, Week 3: Reading Test
Classwork: M2W3 Spelling Test
Classwork: Know It Show It Packet- M2W3
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 10/14
HW: IXL- 87T Short i word & JCV Is the noun, a person, place or animal
Classwork: Selection Quiz- Who Put The Cookies in the Cookie Jar?
October 21 - October 27
HW: Fluency Passage- The Pet Hen week of 10.21.24
Module 3, Week 1- Know It Show It Classwork Packet
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 10/21
HW: IXL- 9TV Choose the antonyms & J2G Same sound endings
Classwork: M3W1 Know It Show It Packet
Classwork: Selection Quiz- The Nest
October 28 - November 3
Assessment: Module 3, Week 1 Reading Test
Classwork: M3W1 Spelling Test
HW: Fluency Passage- Buzz Sells Milk Week of 10.28
Module 3, Week 2- Know It Show It Classwork Packet
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 10.28.24
HW: IXL- QHE Complete the short O word & M77 Personal Pronouns
November 4 - November 10
Assessment: Module 3, Week 2 Reading Test
Classwork: M3W2 Spelling Test
Classwork: Selection Quiz- Blue Bird & Coyote
HW: Weekly Fluency Passage- The Ship week of 11.4.24
Module 3, Week 3- Know It Show It Classwork Packet
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 11.4.24
HW: IXL- SSP Short U Sentence & DVJ Action Verb in a sentence
Classwork: M3W2 Know It Show It Packet
Classwork: Selection Quiz- The Nesting Bird
November 11 - November 17
HW: Weekly Fluency Passage- Chips & Dips week of 11.12.24
Assessment: Module 3 High Frequency Words Test
Assessment: Module 3 Week 3 Reading Test
Classwork: M3W3 Spelling Test
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 11.12.24
HW: IXL- U73 Short E Sentence & 8NP Choose Synonyms
Classwork: M3W3 Know it Show it Packet
Classwork: IXL- 8YT Put the Sentences in Order
November 18 - November 24
Module 4 Week 1- Know it Show It Classwork Packet
HW: Shark Tank Final Project
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 11.18.24
HW: IXL- WPP Identify Statements & R88 Double Consonants
November 25 - December 1
December 2 - December 8
HW: Fluency Passage: On A Whim week of 12.2.24
Module 4 Week 2 Know it Show It Classwork Packet
Classwork EXTRA Credit: International Festival
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 Minutes week of 12.2.24
HW: IXL- 7EZ Find the complete sentence & 2UE Words starting with the same sound
Classwork: Selection Quiz- Get Up & Go!
December 9 - December 15
Assessment: Module 4 Week 2 Reading Assessment
Classwork: M4W2 Spelling Test
HW: Fluency Passage- Snacks for the Pets
Module 4 Week 3 Know It Show It Classwork Packet
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 12/9
HW: IXL- SXL Select the best Preposition for the sentence & WE7 Regular Plurals- Matching Pictures
December 16 - December 22
HW: AR Quarter 2 Reading Goal
Assessment: Module 4 Week 3 Reading Test
Assessment: Module 4 High Frequency Word Quiz
Classwork: M4W3 Spelling Test
January 6 - January 12
HW: Fluency Passage- Go Sled Club Week of 1.6.25
Module 5, Week 1 Know It Show It Classwork Packet
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 1/6/25
HW: IXL- ZRL Fill in the missing blend & 5R7 Sight Word Set one
January 13 - January 19
Assessment: Module 5 Week 1 Reading Test
Classwork: M5W1 Spelling Test
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 1.13.25
HW: IXL- 6XA- What will happen next & NAA- Present tense form of Be Verbs
Classwork: M5W1 Know It Show It Packet
January 20 - January 26
HW: Fluency Passage- What is Funny?
Module 5 Week 2 Know It Show It Packet Classwork
Classwork: Selection Quiz- The Best Season
HW: IXL- Y2M Read Along with Realistic Fiction & C9A Silent E
HW: I-Ready Reding 45 minutes week of 1.21.25
January 27 - February 2
Assessment: Module 5 Week 2 Reading Assessment
Classwork: M5W2 Spelling Test
HW: Weekly Fluency Passage- Find Scamp
Module 5 Week 3 Know it Show It Classwork Packet
Classwork: Selection Quiz- What are You Waiting for?
HW: I-Ready Reading 45 minutes week of 1.27.25
HW: IXL- 2FQ- Choose the correct Digraph & 5DB- Spell the Silent E word
Classwork: 5.2 Know It Show It Packet
February 3 - February 9
Assessment: Module 5 Week 3 Reading Test
Assessment: Module 5 High Frequency Word Quiz
Classwork: M5W3 Spelling Test
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Course info
Lang Arts G1
Rebecca Dodd
Skill Level