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Lang Arts G1
Course data
Sight Word List- By Module
24-25 Traverso Syllabus FINAL
Curriculum Night Powerpoint 2024-2025
August 12 - August 18
Classwork and Participation
Summer Bridge Workbook
August 19 - August 25
Fluency Homework Passage Module 1.1 Pat and Sam
Fridge Words 1.1
Classwork and Participation
August 26 - September 1
Module 1.1 Weekly Assessment
Module 1.1 Spelling Test
Fluency Homework Passage Module 1.2 Mac Cat Sam Cat
Fridge Words 1.2
i-Ready Reading Homework- 45 minutes
Classwork and Participation
September 2 - September 8
Module 1.2 Assessment
Module 1.2 Spelling Test
Fluency Passage
Fridge Words 1.3
Classwork and Participation
i-Ready reading Homework 45 minutes
September 9 - September 15
Module 1 Sight Word Assessment
Module 1 Week 3 Assessment - Thursday 12th
Module 1 Week 3 Spelling Test
i-Ready Reading Homework 45 Mins Due Sunday 15th Midnight
IXL Reading Homework X6Q and GNM - Must Be completed between 9/9-9/15
Fluency Passage Gil and His Pig- Due Friday 9/13
Classwork and Participation
Progress Learning Lesson 3- Segmenting Phonemes
September 16 - September 22
Fridge Words 2.1
Classwork and Participation
Module 2.1 Spelling Test 9/20
iReady Reading Homework 45 minutes Due Sunday 9/22
IXL Homework Lessons DWB and EZB
Module 2.1 Reading Test
Homework- Fluency Passage " The Big Box" due 9/20
Classwork - Graded based on Accuracy p- Progress Learning Lesson 4
September 23 - September 29
Fridge Words 2.2
Classwork and Participation 9/23-9/27
iReady Reading Homework 45 minutes Due 9/23- 9/29 Midnight
Reading Fluency Passage - Cub and Pup Due 9/27
IXL Homework Lesson 9TV and J2G
September 30 - October 6
Spelling Test Module 2.2 10/3
i-Ready Reading Homework 45 minutes Due Sunday 10/6 Midnight
Classwork and Participation
Module 2.2 Assessment
Fridge Words 2.3
Quarter 1 AR Goals Due
October 7 - October 13
Fridge Words 2.3
iReady reading Homework 45 Minutes Due 10/13
IXL Reading Homework QHE and M77 Due 10/13
Fluency Passage - Gus the Pup
October 14 - October 20
Module 2 Sight word Assessment
Classwork and Participation Module 2.3
Module 2.3 Weekly Reading Assessment
Module 2.3 Spelling Test 10/17
iReady reading Homework -45 Minute Due Sunday 10/20 Midnight
IXL Reading Homework Lesson 87T and JCV
October 21 - October 27
Fridge Words 3.1
iReady Reading Homework 45 Minutes Due by 10/27
Classwork and Participation
IXL Homework Lesson 9TV and J2G
Reading Fluency Passage - The Pet Hen
October 28 - November 3
Classwork and Participation
iReady Reading Homework - 45 minutes due 11/3
IXL Reading Homework Lessons QHE and M77
Module 3.1 Weekly Reading Test
Spelling Test Module 3.1
Fluency Reading Passage- Buzz Sells Milk
November 4 - November 10
Spelling Test Module 3.2 Test on 11/4
Chapter 3.2 Reading Module Test 11/4/24
i-Ready Reading Homework 45 Minutes Due Sunday 11/10
IXL Reading Homework Lessons SXL and WE7 Due 11/10
Classwork and Participation
November 11 - November 17
Module 3.3 Weekly Reading Test 11/13
Spelling Test Module 3.3 11/13
i-Ready Reading Homework Due 11/17
IXL Reading Homework Due 11/17 Lesson U73 and 8NP
Classwork and Participation
Fluency Homework- Chips and Dip Due 11/15
November 18 - November 24
Shark Tank Projects Due 11/18
iReady Reading Homework 45 Minutes- Due 11/24
IXL Reading Homework WPP and R88
Module 4.1 Reading Assessment
Module 4.1 Spelling Test
Classwork and Participation
Fluency Passage Due 11/22 'On a Whim'
International Festival Extra Credit
November 25 - December 1
December 2 - December 8
Classwork and Participation 12/2-12/5
Spelling Test Module 4 Week 2- 12/5
Fridge Words 4.2
iReady Reading Homework 45 Minutes Due 12/8 Midnight
Module 4.2 Weekly Reading Test 12/5
IXL Reading Homework RYS Due 12/8
December 9 - December 15
AR Quarter 2 Due 12/13
Classwork and Participation
Module 4.3 Spelling Test
IXL Reading Homework Y2M and 5R7
Module 4.3 Reading Test
Module 4 Sight Word TEst
January 6 - January 12
iReady Reading Homework 45 minutes Due Midnight 1/12
Classwork and Participation Module 5.1
January 13 - January 19
Spelling Test Module 5.1 Test 1/14/25
Module 5.1 Reading Test
Fridge Words 5.2
IXL Reading Homework Due 1/13-1/19 Lesson 6XA and NAA
iReady Reading Homework 45 Mins Due 1/19
Classwork and Participation
January 20 - January 26
iReady Reading Homework 45 Mins Due 1/26
IXL Reading Homework Lessons Y2M and C9A
Spelling Test Module 5.2
Module 5.2 Reading Test
January 27 - February 2
Fridge Words 5.3
iReady Reading Homework 45 Mins Due 2/2 Midnight
IXL Reading Homework 2FQ and 5DB
Classwork and Participation
Fluency Passage- Module 5.3- Find Scamp Due 1/31
February 3 - February 9
Spelling Test Module 5.3 on 2/3
Module 5.3 Reading Test
iReady Reading Homework 45 Minutes Due 2/9
IXL Reading Homework Lessons 8HN and MNK Due 2/9 Midnight
Fridge Words 6.1
Classwork and Participation
Fluency Passage 'The Drive Home' Due Friday 2/7
March 3 - March 8
Quarter 3 AR Goal Due
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Academics - Subject Areas
Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education
Computer Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Art - Visual Arts
World Languages
Library Media
Health Education
English/Language Arts
Career and Technical Basic
Middle School Programs
Music Education
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All categories
Academics - Subject Areas
Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education
Computer Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Art - Visual Arts
World Languages
Library Media
Health Education
English/Language Arts
Career and Technical Basic
Middle School Programs
Music Education
Course info
Lang Arts G1
Nina Colston
Holley Traverso
Skill Level