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Lang Arts K
Course data
August 12 - August 18
August 19 - August 25
ELA Week2 Focus Wall
Q1 ELA Classwork Mod 1 Wk 1
August 26 - September 1
Q1 ELA Class Work pages
Q1 ELA Classwork Mod 1 Wk 2
Q1 ELA Test Writing Letters A,M,S,T
Q1 ELA iReady Teacher Assigned Lesson Rhyme
Q1 ELA iReady Teacher Assigned Lesson Find/Say Beginning Sounds
September 2 - September 8
Module 1 Week 3 Focus Wall
Q1 ELA Classwork Mod 1 Wk 3
Q1 ELA Homework iReady 45 minutes 9/3 -9/6
Q1 ELA Homework practice writing letter Aa and Mm
September 9 - September 15
Q1 ELA IXL Lesson 65X Choose the letter that you hear.
Q1 ELA IXL Classwork Identify book parts and features.
Q1 ELA Module 1 Assessment
Q1 WK 5 ELA iReady Homework 45 minutes
September 16 - September 22
Q1 ELA Classwork Mod 2 Wk 1
Q1 WK 6 ELA- IXL - VNQ Choose the letter that you hear, lowercase.
Q1 WK 6 ELA- IXL - QRJ Which two words start with the same sound.
Q1 WK 6 ELA iReady Homework 45 minutes
September 23 - September 29
Q1 WK 7 Classwork Know It Show It pages
Q1 WK 7 ELA iReady Homework 45 minutes 9/23- 9/27
September 30 - October 6
Q1 WK 8 ELA Class work Know it Show it! pages
Q1 WK 8 ELA Module 1 High Frequency Words
Q1 WK 8 ELA recognizing Sounds t,s,h,m,i,g,b,d,n,a
October 14 - October 18
October 14 - October 20
Q2 ELA Class work IXL - FLH sort consonants and vowels
Q2 Homework ELA iReady 45 minutes
October 21 - October 27
Q2 ELA Mod 2 Assessment
October 28 - November 3
Q2 ELA Class work IXL - QDV Choose the letter that matches the consonant sound
Q2 Homework ELA iReady 45 minutes Nov 25-26
November 4 - November 10
Q2 WK 13 ELA IXL-RJ8 Choose the picture that matches the setting or character.
Q2 iReady Homework ELA Nov 4 - Nov 8
November 11 - November 17
Q3 ELA Class work Module 3 Wk 4
Q2 ELA Module 3 Assessment
Q2 ELA IXL-Class Work XKA Is the noun a person, place or thing?
November 18 - November 24
Q2 ELA IXL - UZL What is happening in the picture?
Q2 ELA Homework iReady 45 minutes Nov 18-Nov 22
November 25 - December 1
Q2 ELA IXL-Class Work MZ8 Use color words.
Q2 ELA Presentation of Constellation Project
December 2 - December 8
Q2 Class work pages Module 4 wk 1
Q2 Class Work IXL- XGG Choose the picture that matches the short e sound.
Q2 Class Work ELA IXL-UN5 Choose the short e sentence that matches the picture.
Q2 ELA Homework iReady 45 minutes
Q2 ELA Module 3 High Frequency Word check
December 9 - December 15
Q2 mod 4 assessment
December 16 - December 22
January 6 - January 12
Class work pages we will complete at school.
Q3 Homework iReady 45 minutes Jan 7-Jan 10
January 13 - January 19
module 4 wk 4 Focus Wall
Start Right Readers
module 4 wk 4 ela work pages
Q3 ELA Class work IXL MFT choose the short o word that matches the picture
Q3 ELA Homework Jan 13-Jan 17 iReady 45 minutes
January 20 - January 26
Q3 ELA Focus Wall Module 5 wk 1
Q3 ELA Know It Show It pages module 5 wk 1
Q3 ELA Homework iReady 45 minutes
Q3 ELA Class Work IXL Choose the picture that matches the setting or character. RJ8
Q3 ELA Module 5 Week 1 Weekly Assessment
January 27 - February 2
Q3 ELA Know It Show It pages module 5 wk 2
Q3 ELA Module 5 Week 2 Focus Wall
Q3 ELA Homework Jan 27-Jan 31 iReady 45 minutes
Q3 ELA Class Work IXL M28 Use Color Words
Q3 ELA Class Work IXL DY9 Which picture matches the feeling?
Q3 ELA Module 5 wk 2 weekly assessment
Q3 ELA Encoding - Writing sounds spoken
February 3 - February 9
Q3 ELA Module 5 Week 3 Focus Wall
Q3 ELA Encoding Writing the letter that represents the spoken sound
Q3 ELA Mod 5 Wk 3 Weekly Test
Q3 ELA Class Work IXL-9SW Put the sounds in order to form a word
Q3 ELA Homework iReady Reading 45 minutes
February 10 - February 16
Q3 ELA Focus Wall Mod 5 wk 4
Q3 Module 5 wk 4 class work pages
Q3 ELA Homework iReady 45 minutes Feb 10-14
Q3 ELA Class Work IXL-G7Q choose words with short u sound
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Academics - Subject Areas
Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education
Computer Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Art - Visual Arts
World Languages
Library Media
Health Education
English/Language Arts
Career and Technical Basic
Middle School Programs
Music Education
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All categories
Academics - Subject Areas
Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education
Computer Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Art - Visual Arts
World Languages
Library Media
Health Education
English/Language Arts
Career and Technical Basic
Middle School Programs
Music Education
Course info
Lang Arts K
Ellyn Osborne
Skill Level