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Intensive Math Gr 7
Course data
IXL Directions for assignments and scores
Technology Guidance and Support
Intensive Math Do Nows
Grade 7 FAST Mathematics Reference Sheet
August 19 - August 25
Math Do Now for 8-19 to 8-23
2 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
1 completed and passed (70% or higher) Waggle assigned lesson
August 26 - September 1
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
2 completed and passed (70% or higher is passing) I-ready assigned lesson
Math Do Now 8-26 to 8-30
September 2 - September 8
2 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
1 I-ready lesson ( to atleast 70%)
Converting Between Fractions and Decimals Exit Ticket
September 9 - September 15
Adding and Subtracting Integers Exit ticket
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
IXL Converting between Mixed numbers and improper fractions
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
Math Do Now
September 16 - September 22
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
IXL Adding and Subtracting Integers
September 23 - September 29
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
Classwork: IXL B.22 Multiply and divide integers (R8D)
September 30 - October 6
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
Classwork: IXL G.16 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems (KR7)
October 7 - October 13
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
Classwork IXL: E.2 Greatest common factor (YFF)
Classwork IXL: E.3 Least common multiple (5WC)
October 14 - October 20
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
Classwork IXL: B.17 Multiply integers (DQT
Classwork IXL: I.3 Add and subtract rational numbers (GKU
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
October 21 - October 27
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
Classwork IXL- D.2 Add and subtract decimals: word problems RKZ
October 28 - November 3
IXL O.3 Compare percents to fractions and decimals JAE
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
November 4 - November 10
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
2 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
IXL L.5 Unit rates (2NB)
November 11 - November 17
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
2 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
E.6 Evaluate numerical expressions one step at a time (XCQ)
November 18 - November 24
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
II.5 Conversion tables - customary units 7HU
December 2 - December 8
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
Classwork IXL W.6 Customary unit conversions involving fractions and mixed numbers (UHE)
January 6 - January 12
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
U.6 Compare percents to each other and to fractions GBY
January 13 - January 19
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
P.7 Which is the better coupon (QT6)
January 20 - January 26
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
January 27 - February 2
Percents IXL Quiz Review
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
February 3 - February 9
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
IXL Y.2 Write variable expressions: two operations (CX9)
February 10 - February 16
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
3 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
IXL: Y.3 Write variable expressions: word problems 6LQ
February 17 - February 23
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
2 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
Classwork IXL AA.8 Solve one-step addition and subtraction equations with whole numbers (JXM)
Classwork IXL AA.9 Solve one-step multiplication and division equations with whole numbers (JUA)
February 24 - March 2
2 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
IXL AA. Solve one-step equations with decimals and fractions (5UU)
March 3 - March 8
2 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
T.9 Solve two-step equations QEB
March 10 - March 16
2 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
U.2 Graphing Inequalities on number lines (VLU)
March 24 - March 30
2 Greenlight on ReflexMath for the week
Iready: 1 teacher assigned lesson and 1 learning path lesson to 70%
Classwork IXL Z.13 Parts of a circle 2VL
Classwork IXL BB.2 Area of rectangles and parallelograms 62H
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Course info
Intensive Math Gr 7
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