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Algebra 1 Hon Gr 8
Course data
Algebra 1 EOC Mathematics Reference Sheet
August 12 - August 18
HW- Syllabus Signature Page- Returned
August 19 - August 25
High School Course Advisement Signature Page- Return
Notebook Check
August 26 - September 1
Notebook Check-2
September 2 - September 8
HW-IXL-Evaluate a function-R96
HW-IXL- Complete a function table from an equation-Z73
September 9 - September 15
Quiz-1- Function
HW-IXL-Identify functions- VLL
HW-IXL-Identify functions: vertical line test- HLX
September 16 - September 22
HW-IXL-Find the slope of a graph-E7D
HW-IXL-Identify independent and dependent variables-N55
Classwork-Function Table-Linear Function
September 23 - September 29
HW-IXL-Find the slope from two points-MD5
HW-IXL- Find the slope from a table-GUP
September 30 - October 6
HW-IXL-Slope-intercept form: write an equation from a graph-9GW
HW-IXL-Slope-intercept form: write an equation-A42
Classwork-IXL-Slope-intercept form: graph an equation-UWB
Quiz 2- Linear Relationships
IXL-Slope-intercept form: write an equation from a table-SSE
October 7 - October 13
HW-IXL- Multiplication rule for exponents-HQD
HW-IXL- Division rule for exponents-9SS
October 14 - October 20
Classwork- Simplifying and Solving Exponential Expressions
HW-IXL- Negative exponents-SCM
HW-IXL- Power rule for exponents-RWY
Classwork- IXL-Multiply Binomials-M7Q
October 21 - October 27
HW-IXL-Solve multi-step linear equations-28N
HW-IXL-Solve linear equations with variables on both sides-7S7
Quiz-1-Q2-Multiply Monomials-Binomials and Polynomials
Classwork- Solving Equations
October 28 - November 3
HW-IXL-Rearrange multi-variable equations-WSJ
HW-IXL-Solve absolute value equations-9LF
Closure Activity Work- Chapter 3
Classwork-Write a linear function: word problems-HWM
November 4 - November 10
Quiz2- Solving System of Equations
HW-IXL-Solve a system of equations using substitution-8P9
HW-IXL-Solve a system of equations by graphing-TSS
Classwork-Solve a system of equations using elimination-A48
November 11 - November 17
HW-IXL-Find the number of solutions to a system of equations by graphing-HJW
HW-IXL-Find the number of solutions to a system of equations-ACN
Classwork-Substitution and Elimination
Quiz 3- Solve a system of equations using any method- IXL- HLV
November 18 - November 24
HW-IXL-Identify linear and exponential functions from graphs-UEC
HW-IXL- Identify linear, quadratic, and exponential functions from graphs-DHB
Classwork-X76-Identify arithmetic and geometric sequences
December 2 - December 8
HW-IXL-HLJ-Geometric sequences
HW-IXL-42Y-Convert an explicit formula to a recursive formula
Algebra 1 EOC Mathematics Reference Sheet
Classwork-Summary 5.3.2
Quiz- 9YD-IXL-Evaluate recursive formulas for sequences
December 16 - December 22
Classwork-Summary 6.2.2 Correlation
January 6 - January 12
HW-IXL-D6H-Evaluate an exponential function
HW-IXL-BYF-Match exponential functions and graphs I
January 13 - January 19
HW-IXL-UKG-Exponential growth and decay: word problems
HW-IXL-QSF-Compound interest: word problems
Classwork-Exponential Growth and Decay
Classwork-7.2.1- Curve Fitting and Fractional Exponents
Quiz-Exponential Function
January 20 - January 26
HW-IXL-US9-Solve a system of equations using substitution: word problems
HW-IXL-ZBQ-Convert a recursive formula to an explicit formula
January 27 - February 2
HW-IXL-ZZU-GCF of monomials
HW-IXL- JZL-Factor out a monomial
February 3 - February 9
Quiz-Factoring Quadratic Expressions
Classwork-56E-Factor quadratics: special cases
HW-S9P-Factor quadratics with leading coefficient 1
HW-7ED-Factor quadratics with other leading coefficients
Classwork-Graphing Quadratic Functions
February 10 - February 16
Quiz-Quadratic Functions-Roots & Vertex
HW-IXL-TNM-Solve a quadratic equation using the zero product property
HW-IXL-RD2-Complete the square
CW-IXL-CSS- Solve a quadratic equation by factoring
Classwork- IXL-6YS-Transformations of quadratic functions
February 17 - February 23
HW-IXL-XCL-Solve a quadratic equation by completing the square
HW-IXL-XCF-Solve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula
Quiz-Quadratic Functions-Graphing-Vertex-Zeros-A.R.3.7
Classwork-HFR-Domain and range of quadratic functions: graphs
Classwork-Progress Learning-Quadratic Function-A.R.3.8
February 24 - March 2
HW-IXL- ADW-Factor using a quadratic pattern
HW-IXL- TAH-Factor polynomials
Quiz-Factorization of Quadratic Function-A.R.3.4-3.5-3.6
March 3 - March 8
Classwork-SGH-Solve systems of linear inequalities by graphing
HW-IXL-NPZ-Solve two-step linear inequalities
HW-IXL-XVM-Graph solutions to two-step linear inequalities
Classwork-Systems of Inequalities-AR.2.7 and 9.4
Quiz-Systems of Inequalities-AR-2.7-2.8-9.4
March 10 - March 16
HW-IXL-93R-Find probabilities using two-way frequency tables
HW-IXL-BZZ- Find conditional probabilities using two-way frequency tables
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Course info
Algebra 1 Hon Gr 8
Eren Camci
Skill Level