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Intensive Math Gr 6
Course data
Grade 6 FAST Mathematics Reference Sheet
Order of Operations Quiz
August 26 - September 1
Progress Learning - Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Frax Week 2
September 9 - September 15
Multiplication Monday - Reflex
IXL Lessons for the Week of September 9 - 13
Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions (Quiz)
September 16 - September 22
Reflex - Multiplication Mondays
IXL Lessons for the Week of September 16 - 20
September 23 - September 29
Multiplication Mondays- Reflex
IXL Lessons for the Week of Sep. 23 - 29
September 30 - October 6
Multiplication Mondays - Reflex Activity
IXL Lessons for the Week of Sep. 30 - Oct. 4
October 7 - October 13
IXL Quiz
October 14 - October 20
Reflex or Frax Lesson
IXL Lessons for the Week of Oct. 14-18
October 21 - October 27
Reflex or Frax Lesson for the Week of Oct. 21 - Oct. 25
IXL Lessons for the week of Oct. 21 - Oct. 25
October 28 - November 3
IXL Lessons for the Week of Oct. 28 - Nov.1
November 4 - November 10
I-Ready Lessons for the Week of Nov. 4 - Nov. 8
IXL Multiplication Pop Quiz
December 2 - December 8
I-Ready Lessons for the Week of Dec. 2 - 6
December 16 - December 22
I-Ready Lessons for the Week of Dec. 9 -13
Fractions Quiz
January 6 - January 12
Order of Operations Classwork
January 13 - January 19
Writing and Solving Expressions Classwork
Write an Equation from Words Quiz
January 20 - January 26
Write Variable Expressions: Word Problems Quiz
Write Variable Expressions: Word Problems Classwork
January 27 - February 2
Classwork for the week of Jan. 27th - Jan. 30th
Number Line Quiz
February 3 - February 9
Classwork for the Week of Feb. 3 - Feb. 7
Inverse Operations Quiz
February 10 - February 16
Classwork for the Week of Feb. 10-14
February 17 - February 23
Classwork for the Week of Feb. 17 - 21
Solve One Step Multiplication and Division Expressions Quiz
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Language Arts
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Physical Education
Computer Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Art - Visual Arts
World Languages
Library Media
Health Education
English/Language Arts
Career and Technical Basic
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All categories
Academics - Subject Areas
Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education
Computer Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Art - Visual Arts
World Languages
Library Media
Health Education
English/Language Arts
Career and Technical Basic
Middle School Programs
Music Education
Course info
Intensive Math Gr 6
Benjamin Rutledge
Skill Level