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Lang Arts G4
Course data
Gingerbread Boy Voting
August 12 - August 18
Daily Warm-Up - Tues Aug 13
Daily Cursive Writing Practice - Tuesday - letter c
Daily Cursive Writing Practice - Monday - reference sheet
Answer key Tuesday Warm-up
Daily Cursive Writing Practice Wednesday Letter a
Daily Warm-up Wed Aug 14
Answer key Wednesday Warm-up
Daily Cursive Writing Practice Thursday
Daily Warm-up Thursday August 15
Answer key Warm-up Thursday August 15
Daily Cursive Writing practice Friday
Daily Warm-up Friday August 16
Answer key Warm-up Friday, August 16
August 19 - August 25
Quarterly iReady expectation
AR quarter expectation
iReady 45 minutes due Sunday, August 25
Daily Warm Up Monday, August 19
answer key for daily warm up Monday Aug 19
Daily cursive writing practice Monday Aug 19
daily cursive writing practice Tuesday August 20
Daily Warm Up Tuesday August 20
Answer key Warm Up Tuesday, August 20
Writing Classwork - Top Score Lesson 2 pages 25-26
Daily Warm Up Wednesday, August 21
Answer key Warm up Wednesday August 21
Examples for Top Score Writing Classwork pages 25 and 26
Cursive writing open note review and mastery quiz
Warm up Thursday August 22
Answer Key Warm Up Thursday August 22
Cursive writing lowercase p
August 26 - September 1
Monday Classwork for Simple Subjects and Predicates
Poetry Anchor Charts for Interactive Notebook
Monday Aug 26 Warm Up
Cursive writing sentence practice for letters taught
Answer Key Warm Up Monday August 26
Participation - Identifying Subjects and Predicates
Daily Warm-up Tuesday August 27
Answer Key Warm Up Tuesday August 27
Cursive Writing Practice lowercase e
Daily Warm Up Wednesday August 28
Cursive writing practice lowercase l
Writing and Poetry Focus packet for Whole and Small Group
Integration of writing and elements of poetry - participation grade
iReady 45 minutes due Sunday, Sept 1
Participation - HMH Grammar 1.1.2 - Compound Subjects and Predicates
HMH Grammar 1.1.1 Simple and Complete Subjects and Predicates
HMH Grammar 1.1.3 Subject Verb Agreement
HMH Grammar 1.1.4 Review of Parts of a Sentence
Progress Learning Classwork Participation Subject Verb Agreement
Participation - Review and Mastery of Cursive -pages 46 & 47
September 2 - September 8
iReady 45 minutes Due Sunday, Sept 8
Reading Module 1 Week 2 Reading Assessment
HMH Quiz Narrative Poetry Yes! We Are Latinos
Progress Learning Homework Points of View Video and Questions
Tuesday Sept 3 Daily Warm Up
Answer Key Warm up Tuesday, Sept 3
Cursive writing practice for Tuesday Sept 3
Participation - Sept 2 to 6 Small Group Classwork
September 9 - September 15
iReady Reading 45 minutes by Sept 15
HMH Quiz Realistic Fiction "The Year of the Rat"
Participation - Sept 9 to 13 Small Group
Participation - Bell Ringer/Ticket out the door - POV
Homework - IXL - Distinguishing Point of View Lesson (LGA)
Classwork - IXL - Identify the narrative Point of View (EBK)
Classwork - IXL - Identify complete subject - (7M3)
Classwork - IXL - Identify complete Predicate - (U6M)
September 16 - September 22
iReady Reading 45 minutes by Sept 22
Participation - Sept 16 to 20 Small Group Work
Participation - Review & Mastery Cursive lowercase u, y, i, j, k, r, s
Reading Test taking strategies utilizing Module 1 Week 2 Test
Homework - IXL - 96L - Distinguish fact and opinion
Homework - IXL 7MT - Multiple Meaning Words with pictures
Classwork - IXL - MW8 - Select and use text features
Classwork - IXL - 9K2 - Order alphabetically based on first letter
Classwork - IXL - WRS - Form Compound Word with Pictures
Classwork - IXL - FFK - Identify Sensory Details
Classwork - IXL - UZ9 - Sort Sensory details
September 23 - September 29
IReady Reading by Sept 29
Homework - IXL - YL8 - Sentence Type -
Homework - IXL - LW9 - Which sentence is regular past tense?
Classwork - IXL - L7P - Complete sentence or fragment
Classwork - IXL - AUH - Complete sentence or Run-on
Reference sheet for conjunctions - FANBOYS
September 30 - October 6
Classwork - HMH - Grammar Sentence Fragment and Run on Sentence Pack
Classwork - HMH- Grammar Irregular Verb Pack
Participation - Sept 23 to 27 Moved to Oct 3- Small Group and Center Work
Quiz - The Science Behind Sight Reading Passage
Module 2 Week 1 Reading Assessment
iReady Reading 45 minutes by Oct 6
EC - Summer Bridges Workbook
EC - IXL 100 Smart Score on every lesson
Classwork : IXL (JJX, 6Y4, 7XU) lesson - synonyms and antonyms
Homework - IXL (LZP, P7Z, X9V) Sentence - complete, fragment, run-ons
Classwork IXL (YKS, ZT2, GVL) - Identify Nouns
Classwork IXL (B2N, EH8, Q6B) Singular or Plural -One or more than one
October 7 - October 13
Homework - iReady 45 Minutes due by Sunday, Oct 13
Classwork HMH Grammar 2.1.1 and 6.2.1
HMH Grammar Capitalization Packet for week
Power Point for HMH Grammar - Capitalization
HMH Grammar End Punctuation Packet for the week
Power Point for HMH Grammar - End Punctuation
Homework - IXL (J68 : 76M : Z9L) Identifying Cause and Effect
Classwork - IXL (A2V : CJJ: HNY) Capitalization People Pets Places
Classwork - IXL (CK8 : B47 : L8K) Identify/Sort Common and Proper Nouns
Participation - Small group and center work
October 14 - October 20
Assessment = Module 2 Week 2
Classwork HMH Grammar 2.1.2 and 6.2.2
Classwork HMH Grammar 2.1.5 and 6.2.5 - Connect to Writing
Classwork HMH Grammar 2.1.4 and 6.2.4
Classwork HMH Grammar 2.1.3 and 6.2.3
Quiz - HMH Blind Ambition
iReady Reading 45 minutes by Oct 20
Classwork IXL (5SF, KWL, DXR) Writing - put sentences in order
Homework - IXL (XM2, TCZ, F79) Use Conjunctions
Blind Ambition critical vocabulary
Cursive Review and Mastery (b, o, v, w, m, n)
October 21 - October 27
Classwork - Top Score Lesson 24: pages 152 and 153
Participation - Partner Work of Expository Writing
CW - IXL (UYA or HR6) Text Structures
CW - Progress Learning - Text Structures
PDF of Power Point for TopScore Text Based Expository
iReady Reading 45 minutes Sunday Oct 27
HW - IXL (TQL,SN5) Word Pattern anallogies
HW - IXL (SYD, ECG) Punctuating Dialogue
Quiz from Brain Pop Text Structures Video
October 28 - November 3
Classwork - TopScore 26 - Text-based Expository Writing
CW - Grammar 3.1.1 - Action Verbs
CW - Grammar 3.1.2 - Main Verbs and Helping Verbs
CW - Grammar 3.1.3 - Linking Verbs
CW - Grammar 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 - Review verbs and connect to writing
Grammar Bundle 3.1.1 to 3.1.5
PDF for Power point with answers for the Grammar 3.1.1 to 3.1.5 grammar sheet bundle
Quiz - Game of Silence Reading Module 2 Week 3
HW - iReady 45 minutes - Nov 3 deadline
CW - IXL - SRQ - Story Elements
CW - IXL - 59R - Historical Fiction
HW - IXL - Y7G - Identify Main Verbs and Linking Verbs
HW - IXL - XP9 - Identify Action Verbs
Participation - Figurative Language Module 2 Week 3
November 4 - November 10
iReady Reading 45 minutes by midnight Sunday, Nov 10
Classwork - IXL YBU - Compare and Contrast Informational Text
Classwork - IXL JN9 - Identify Adjectives
Homework - IXL - U8T - Pronoun-Verb Contractions
Homework - IXL JCE - Capitalize Titles
Classwork - Grammar 2.6.1. and 4.1.1 - Contractions and Adjectives
Grammar Bundle 2.6.1 - 5 - Pronoun-Verb Contractions
Grammar Bundle 4.1.1-5 Adjectives
Classwork - Grammar 2.6.2 and 4.1.2 - Pronoun-Verb Contractions and Adjectives
Classwork - Grammar 2.63 and 4.1.3 - Pronoun-verb Contraction and Adjectives
Classwork - Grammar 2.6.4 and 4.1.4 Pronoun-Verb Contraction and Adjectives
Classwork - Grammar 2.6.5 and 4.1.5 - Pronoun-Verb Contractions and Adjectives
CW - Text Based Expository Essay for Native Americans
November 11 - November 17
iReady Reading 45 minutes Sunday Nov 17
CW -IXL - J9E - To Be, Use the correct verb tense
CW - IXL - ZTD - To have, use the correct verb tense
Grammar 3.2.1 - Past, Present, Future Tense
HW - IXL - YXE - Type of Adjective (What Kind or How Many)
HW - IXL - 57U - Order Adjectives
Quiz - Rent Party Jazz - Module 3 Week 1
Grammar 3.2.4 and 3.2.5 - Review Verb Tenses
Participation Small Group Independent Assignments
Extra Credit for attending the Internation Fair on November 16
November 18 - November 24
Weekly iReady 45 minutes due November 24
Classwork - IXL - DMM - use key details to determine the main idea
Classwork - IXL - GSW - Word Pattern Sentences
Homework - IXL - YED - Is the sentence in Past, Present, or Future Tense
Homework - IXL - LLH - Change the sentence to future tenses
Classwork - HMH Grammar 3.9.1 - Consistent verb tenses in a paragraph
Classwork - HMH Grammar 3.9.2
HMH Module 3 Week 1 Reading Assessment
Classwork - Writing - Incorporating Social Studies Lesson
Participation = Daily Center Work - previously taught ELA Standards
Classwork - Coloring Activity to review previously taught standards
November 25 - December 1
Classwork - Regular and irregular verbs
Classwork - Verb Tenses
participation - Word Wisdom Lesson 3 -
Classwork - Verb Tenses Coloring activity
Classwork - Punctuation Coloring Activity
December 9 - December 15
Expository Text-Based writing - Native Americans of Florida
Vocabulary Word Wisdom Assessment
Participation - Grammar standards
Participation - Vocabulary Work with Word Wisdom
HW - IXL - L77 - Capitalizing the names of historical events, periods, and documents
HW - IXL - 6DS - Which definition matches the sentence
HW - IXL - QLF - Choose the antonym
CW - IXL - VSQ- determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re-, mis-
CW - IXL F7T - identify based words, prefixes, and suffixes
Sunday, Dec 8 iReady Reading 45 minutes Homework
December 16 - December 22
Extra Credit - Various opportunities throughout the 2nd quarter
Participation Grade - Daily Quick Write
Vocabulary Word Wisdom Weekly Lesson
CW Center Work Participation Grade
HW - IXL - A5R - Identify simple subject or simple predicate of a sentence
HW - IXL - TWK - Shades of Meaning with pictures
HW - IXL - F6D - Use the prefixes re-, pre-, mis-
CW - IXL - XY2 - Show character emotions and traits
CW - IXL - YMU- Choose the best transition
2nd Quarter iReady Passed Lesson
2nd Quarter AR Goal
iReady Reading 45 Minutes Sunday, Dec 15
January 6 - January 12
Centerwork due Friday, January 10
January 7 to 10 Cursive Writing
iReady 45 minutes - Sunday, January 12
CW - IXL - AGL - Which book title goes with the picture
HW - IXL - VDR - Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less
HW - IXL - VBG - Which sentence matches the definition
Pre-test for Correct form of (-er, -est)
HMH Grammar 1.4 Packet - Compound and Complex Sentences
January 13 - January 19
Quiz - Module 3 Week 3
iReady 45 minutes Sunday January 19
IXL -CW - CXM - Use actions and dialogue for characters
IXL -CW - yE5 - Homophones with pictures
IXL - HW - EV2 - Simple or compound Sentence
IXL - HW - RKT - Regular plural nouns -s, -es, -ies
HMH Grammar 2.2 Possessive Nouns Packet
HMH R-controlled vowel
January 20 - January 26
HW - iReady 45 minutes - January 26
CW - IXL - 6PW - Determine theme of myth, fables, folktables
HW - IXL - YZB -Determine the meaning of a word with suffix - -able, -ment
HW -IXL - ZR5- Identify Homophone
HW - IXL - XA7 - Create compound sentences
CW - HMH Decoding Homophone Packet
Lion and the Mouse - Fable
Assessment - Module 4 Week 1 - Reading
Quiz - Fable lesson via Flocabulary
Participation grade for Classwork completed in centers
January 27 - February 2
CW - Decoding - Identifying Root words
Quiz - Flocabulary - Opinion Writing
Quiz - Flocabulary - Possessive Nouns
Quiz - Informational Text - Module 4 Week2
IXL - HW - J58 - Determine the meaning of a word with -ly or -ness
IXL - HW - HXU - Revise the sentence using a stronger verb
IXL - HW - 27D - Use Subordinating Conjunctions
IXL - CW - GYD - Compare and contrast characters
Module 4, Week 2 Critical Vocabulary - both passages
iReady 45 minutes Due Sunday, February 2
Daily Warm Up for Week 22 - Jan 27 to 31
Daily Cursive Writing and Quick Write for Jan 27 to 31
CW. - Participation of Center Work - week of January 27 to 30
February 3 - February 9
Assessment - Vocabulary with Word Wisdom Friday February 7
Assessment - Reading - Module 4 Week 2
IXL - CW - GMK - Identify Personal Pronouns
IXL - HW - A8M - Identify Similes and Metaphors
IXL - HW - XFL - Determine the meaning of a word with a suffix - review
IXL - HW - S8L - Use the correct homophones
Weekly iReady 45 minutes due February 9
Daily Cursive Writing and Quick Write for Feb 3 to 7
Classwork - HMH - Grammar 2.3 - Personal Pronouns
Classwork - HMH Grammar 2.5 - Subject and Object Pronouns
February 10 - February 16
iReady 45 minutes - Sunday, February 16
Module 4 Week 3 Assessment
CW - IXL - 6RR - Identify the Purpose of a Text
Homework for Reading Comprehension Writing
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Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education
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Research and Critical Thinking
Art - Visual Arts
World Languages
Library Media
Health Education
English/Language Arts
Career and Technical Basic
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Academics - Subject Areas
Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education
Computer Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Art - Visual Arts
World Languages
Library Media
Health Education
English/Language Arts
Career and Technical Basic
Middle School Programs
Music Education
Course info
Lang Arts G4
Amanda Carlo
Skill Level