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Lang Arts G4
Course data
August 19 - August 25
M1W1 Display and Engage
M1W1 Grammar Slides
Practice Pages
HW: Subject_Predicate Worksheet
iReady 45 minutes due Sun. the 25th
M1W1 test
August 26 - September 1
TopScore Slides for Monday
TopScore Lesson 24 worksheet for Monday
TopScore packet 2 for Monday
TopScore lesson 26 slides for Tuesday
TopScore Lesson 26 packet (Tuesday)
TopScore Lesson 27 student packet (Tuesday)
M1W2 Display and Engage Slides
M1W2 Grammar Slides
iReady 45 minutes due Sunday, Sept. 1st
CW: Subjects and Predicates worksheet
Writing Prompt skill check
September 2 - September 8
TopScore lesson 28 powerpoint
M1W2 test
Types of Sentences Practice pages
September 9 - September 15
Know it, show it pages
Quotation Marks practice pages
M1W3 Grammar Slides
M1W3 Display and Engage Slides for review
M1W3 anchor charts for review
iReady 45 due Sunday the 8th
IXL YL8 Sentences Work
Prompt Plan Skill Check
M1W3 Test
September 16 - September 22
TopScore papers
TopScore Lesson 28 PPT
M2W1 Display and Engage Slides
iReady 45 minutes due the 15th
Acrostic Poem
Introductory paragraph writing
September 23 - September 29
iReady 45 minutes due Sunday the 22nd
M2W1 Anchor Charts
M2W1 Display and Engage Slides
M2W1 Grammar Slides
IXL Q1 AM class
IXL R1 Switch Class
September 30 - October 6
AR Goal Due on October 4th for Q1
8 passed iReady Reading Lessons Due October 4
iReady 45 due Sunday the 29th
M2W1 Comprehension practice pages
M2W1 Grammar pages for practice
M2W1 Test
complete, fragment, run-on sentence practice
October 7 - October 13
Classwork Practice Pages
iReady 45 minutes due Sunday, October 6th
iReady 45 minutes due Oct. 13
TopScore Body Paragraph PPT
TopScore Citations PPT
TopScore Wrap Up Sentences PPT
October 14 - October 20
M2W2 anchor charts
M2W2 Display and Engage Slides
M2W2 Test, Friday, Oct. 11
M2W2 Grammar Slides
IXL Classwork on Sentences
October 21 - October 27
iReady 45 due Sunday the 20th
Quiz "The Game of Silence"
M2W3 anchor charts for reference
M2W3 Display and Engage Slides
The Mouse and the Motorcycle
Revise your work worksheet
October 28 - November 3
Weekly worksheets
iReady 45 minutes due Sunday the 27th
M2W3 test
HW: Vocabulary worksheet due Thursday
Verbs practice pages
M2W3 Grammar Slides
Expository Essay 1: Pandas
Text Structure Signal Words Work
November 4 - November 10
M3W1 Display and Engage Slides
M3W1 Anchor Charts
Quiz on Rent Party Jazz
iReady 45 due 11/3
Classwork IXL A8M Similes and metaphors
November 11 - November 17
iReady due Nov. 10
iReady due Nov. 17
Context Clues and Flies' Eyes Reading work
November 18 - November 24
CW: IXL z4 (code FCL)
Quiz on Context Clues
Story Quiz on Catch Me if You Can
Context Clues Worksheet Tuesday
STEM Night Passport EC
November 25 - December 1
iReady 45 due Sunday the 24th
Classwork grammar pages
December 2 - December 8
M3W2 Anchor Charts
M3W2 Grammar Slides
M3W2 Display and Engage Slides
Pumpkins Essays - Expository
December 9 - December 15
IXL lessons QNP, SXQ, and EWM due Sunday
Progressive Verbs practice
M3W2 Test
December 16 - December 22
M3W3 Grammar slides
M3W3 Display and Engage Slides
M3W3 Anchor Charts
Complex and Compound Sentences Practice
Selection Quiz My Diary from Here to There
Q2 iReady Goal of 8 passed lessons due Dec. 13
Q2 AR Goal Due Dec. 13
Snow Globe Narrative Essay Writing
December 23 - December 29
iReady due Sunday the 15th
M3W3 Reading Test
Wizard Blizzard Reading Review Packet
January 13 - January 19
M4W1 Display and Engage Slides
M4W1 Anchor Charts
IXL KK1 and KK2 due Sunday the 12th
Traits of a Hero Graphic Organizer
Argumentative Prompt Skill Check
Cursive Practice 1
January 20 - January 26
iReady 45 minutes due Sunday the 20th
idioms graphic organizer
Winter idioms and expressions practice page
M4W1 Test
Idioms Quiz Friday
M4W1 Grammar Slides
M4W1 Anchor Charts
M4W1 Display and Engage Slides
January 27 - February 2
iReady 45 minutes due Sunday the 26th
IXL 2VF due Sunday
Grammar Slides
Display and Engage Slides
Homophones Practice pages
M4W2 Test
February 3 - February 9
M4W3 Display and Engage Slides
HW iReady 45 due Sunday the 2nd
HW IXL K1 and FF2 due Sunday the 2nd
Quiz on St Augustine passage
M4W3 Grammar Slides New
February 10 - February 16
HW iReady 45 due Sunday the 9th
HW Cursive practice 2
Novel Study packet pages
March 3 - March 8
8 Passed iReady Lessons Q3
AR Q3 Goals Due March 7
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Academics - Subject Areas
Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education
Computer Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Art - Visual Arts
World Languages
Library Media
Health Education
English/Language Arts
Career and Technical Basic
Middle School Programs
Music Education
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All categories
Academics - Subject Areas
Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education
Computer Education
Research and Critical Thinking
Art - Visual Arts
World Languages
Library Media
Health Education
English/Language Arts
Career and Technical Basic
Middle School Programs
Music Education
Course info
Lang Arts G4
Tiana Hadziavdic
Skill Level